Plan For Your Pets

April 16, 2020

Dear Villagers,

We understand that these uncertain times are daunting, and we urge you to remember we are all in this together. That includes our four-legged friends, as well! Please don’t forget about pets during this time of crisis. While the anxiety caused by the current circumstances may feel overwhelming, one of the most effective ways you can calm your nerves and take control of the situation is by being proactive and preparing in case of an emergency.

For the health and safety of everyone in the community, it is recommended that all pets stay with their owners while we practice sheltering in place. All pets should be wearing accurate identification tags and we ask all pet owners to double check that microchip information is up-to-date.

In the event you become ill or are unable to care for your pets for another reason related to the pandemic, it is important to designate an emergency pet caretaker. Ask someone in your home if they can help or find a neighbor, friend, coworker, or family member who could take them for you. Ensure those people are aware they have been designated as your emergency pet caretaker by speaking to them directly.

Once you have a caretaker lined up, create detailed directions for pet care, including feeding times, medications that may need to be administered, regular routine, behavioral notes, etc. By doing this ahead of time you will be less likely to forget anything. The designated caretaker should also have pertinent veterinary records for your pet and the ability to contact the veterinarian. You can provide physical copies of this information, send digital copies over an email/USB, or all of the above!

Finally, have adequate pet supplies prepared in order to provide basic care for pets, specifically food and medications. Prepare these supplies in an emergency kit (along with the information discussed above) so you can be ready to grab them and go in case of an emergency.

Stay well, Village! And remember: we are all in this together

-The HSSPV Team